Have you ever ordered a dish with an expectation of how the dish will look and taste, only to find that it is completelydifferent than what you had imagined? Well, that is kind of what has happened in my life. I ordered the "live in Chicago for the upcoming year" special and received a large helping of "Houston, Texas" surprise. No need to go into the reasons why this change occurred which would only be interesting to the author of this blog, myself, when it is enough to say that this year instead of exploring Chicago's midwestern culture, I'll be hittin up the the "the third coast," Houston, Texas.
Now, Houston is not completely new to me. Houston was my home for 10 years during my younger (8-18) years. Consequently, I know the city, but due to my age at the time I lived here, I really don't KNOW the city. So I am excited to explore the place I grew up in with an older more sophisticated (read pretentious) eye.
Moreover, Houston has been given an amazing makeover that has produced new areas to hangout since I lived here such as Midtown, Washington Street and the Heights. I do not know the city well enough to comment on any of these areas yet, but give me time and I will have an opinion. This opinion will include commentary on not just food, but bars, nightlife, sports culture and people. I look forward to writing about it. Until then, take care.

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