On a related note, playing a little ball is helping me get through the winter. Winter is not an active time for me (I eat a lot of Harold's Fried Chicken), but a little exercise can keep my muscles from complete atrophy. So now that my calf is feeling good enough to play basketball again, I guess it’s time for me to get in some pick-up games and surpass some low expectations (people rarely think I can hang #huskyboyzcanballtoo).
Music, and in particular my record player/receiver/speaker set-up, is helping me get through the winter. The vintage receiver and speakers that I recently copped possess an “oak-y worn-in” look, giving them a nice patina that makes my living room both look and sound warm. Now time to look for new music. Record shops be prepared, Ricky’s bank account beware.
Coffee is most certainly helping me get through the winter. It especially helps when I haven't talked to another human being for a couple of days and I need a social lubricant that does not contain alcohol. I've also added a new coffee tool. I recently purchased a French Press and the quality of coffee it puts out makes it harder and harder for me to add milk and sugar. I know, I know. But some habits die slow, while others just need to be modified. There’s a time and a place for both cream-n-sugar coffee, and my ABE coffee (“all black everything…”).
TV is helping me get through the winter. I'm enjoying Parks and Rec, Justified and the NBA. I'm also looking forward to Madmen (March 25th ) and Game of Thrones (April 1) coming back. In Chicago ,“winter is [indeed] coming” so I might need these shows to get me through the cold nights. Both shows have kept me thinking about them over their long hiatus and I am excited to see what is coming in each of the show’s next seasons. Watch out Geoffrey, Don Draper might just up and marrying Sansa if you’re not careful.
Lastly hibernating helps me get through winter. Everybody reacts differently to the cold and snow. I tend to hibernate. For me, this means staying at home a lot more than in the Fall, Spring, or Summer. In order to hibernate, I usually have to stock up on beer, coffee, frozen meat, good music, and lots of TV (NBA is a godsend). These items allow me to spend lots of time in my apartment and just chill. For a long time, I thought hibernating was a problem because I felt less productive. But I don’t think that anymore. I realized that you have to embrace this time and take stock of your world. What needs to get done? What do you need to survive? For me, I don’t need much. But these things that I've mentioned help me get by and the winter is all about getting by.